Nutrient Top Food Sources

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Nutrient Name: Fiber, soluble
Nutrient Summary: Soluble dietary fiber dissolves in water and broken down by bacteria in the large intestine. It can lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels.
Found Foods Count: 10
Food Categories:    

Food Category Food Description Nutrient Amount
(100 gram food)
Daily Value
Fruits and Fruit Juices
Figs, dried, uncooked 1.5 g
Vegetables and Vegetable Products
Carrots, frozen, unprepared 1.4 g
Fruits and Fruit Juices
Strawberries, raw 0.7 g

Kiwifruit, green, raw 0.7 g

Peaches, yellow, raw 0.6 g

Nectarines, raw 0.6 g

Melons, cantaloupe, raw 0.3 g

Pears, raw, bartlett 0.3 g

Oranges, raw, navels 0.2 g
Vegetables and Vegetable Products
Lettuce, cos or romaine, raw 0.1 g

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